How to Write Compelling Call to Actions

In the world of marketing, a quality blog post can make the difference between garnering traffic and being ignored. And while the main body of a post is what your target audience will primarily focus on, adding an enticing call-to-action can work wonders.

But people new to the marketing world may not know how to properly incorporate a call-to-action.


Continue on to learn how to write a compelling call-to-action.


Make It Short and Sweet


When writing a call-to-action, you need to keep things brief. A conclusion is usually a paragraph at most. Anything beyond that comes off as excessive and unnecessary. A common mistake many people make is adding too much information at the end.

Call-to-actions should always be kept brief ranging from three-to-five-word sentences. Include the gist of the topic, what the client can do to reach out and include the number of your company.


Avoid Using a Bunch of Jargon


When learning how to write a call to action, it is important that you understand how to avoid using unnecessary jargon. Jargon is basically a group of words used for a specific niche. While you and a few others may understand these words, a lot of people who come to your blog may not. In fact, filler content will only have the opposite effect. Readers may click off your post or page without following through.

So, it’s best if you limit the amount of technical jargon used in your call-to-action. Only use a word or two if you’ve already mentioned it in the article and described what it means. Other than that, keeping things practical is the way to go, especially when attracting newcomers and learning how to write a call to action.


Use Numbers to Your Advantage


Incorporating numbers, or figures, into your call-to-action is a great way to demonstrate how efficient you are. However, we aren’t talking about a phone number. By numbers, we’re talking about things, like data, statistics and analyses. You might be wondering how it’s possible to incorporate numbers in a call-to-action.

Here’s an example, “Looking for some of the best marketing strategies? Join up with over 100,000 subscribers today!” This gently encourages readers to take action and give you their email or contact your directly. This works particularly well when trying to build your email list. The goal is to capture emails and be able to build trust with leads who can eventually become return customers.


Think Like a Consumer


Regardless of niche, you need to think like your target market. Truly knowing how to write a call to action requires empathetic marketing. Think about how you feel when you read a CTA. What makes you as a consumer want to give your email or contact information.

How to write a call to action begins and ends with you. Whether you’re a marketer or a small business owner, you need to craft copy that makes people want to convert. And even if they need more time to mull things over, your CTA can bridge the gap between you and your ideal customer.

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